Measuring holistic well-being is a daunting task but fortunately our partners' expertise across multiple disciplines allowed us to formulate a comprehensive measurement approach. Our objectives were to create a simple approach that could be consistently applied across seven realms, one that was quantified, and could be used to drive greater understanding and continuous improvement.
CityLink's premise is that human thriving is reached through development of multiple realm's of an individuals life. Increasing multiple realms creates resiliency versus the precarious gains if isolated in one realm.
An individual who advances education, establishes savings, and learns positive coping mechanisms is not as adversely affected by a temporary job loss as someone lacking development in those areas.
The CityLink Client Progression Index™ quantifies the level of various realms in clients' lives: Education, Employment, Financial Education, Housing, Transportation, Wellness, and Childcare.
A client baseline is taken at initial contact (Goal Session) and compared to longitudinal data to measure progression and regression. Click on the link below to learn more!
The CityLink Client Progression Index™ enables evaluation at the individual and aggregate level. Clustering by outcome levels allows identification of what experiences lead to progression or stagnation. Further cuts of the data by program and demographics help inform service delivery to better serve our clients. Continuous improvement practically means adjusting sequences of services, the program portfolio, and service content based on client data.
If you are interested in joining other organizations who have adopted the CityLink Client Progression Index™ to learn and grow together, we are here to support you.
Contact us below to receive an example of the evaluation and continuous improvement work and options of how we can support your adoption of the CityLink Client Progression Index™.
We are excited to have more organizations come together to strengthen opportunities and outcomes for our neighbors.